Online and Virtual Instruction Resources
This page is meant to provide an easy to use list of resources (videos, activities, etc.) that I have reviewed or created. The resources are organized into two categories: General (providing basic overview or general climate science background) and Food Systems (highlighting food and climate system interactions).
I am also available for specific requests to Zoom/video conference into your classroom to provide a guest lecture or activity for your students, upon request. Please contact me at: to request a virtual classroom visit or video and specify the topic you are interested in sharing with your students related to climate change, food systems, or living in an off-grid tiny house (virtual tiny house tour video available here).
General Climate Change Resources
CLEAN (Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness) Network: One-stop shop for finding climate education resources, searchable by topic, grade level or resource type: *Now with pedagogy and teaching tips for virtual instruction.
Understanding Global Change interactive module developed by researchers with the University of California Museum of Paleontology. Allows students to build models that explain how Earth systems work:
Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy offers climate education resources including Climate Fiction reading guides, climate storytelling activities, documentaries, and a new blog sharing resources for virtual classrooms:
Climate Interactive offers online simulation activities that allow students to experiment with different climate action solutions and policy pathways that might (or might not) effectively limit warming to 1.5C, according to climate models. Students effectively take on the role of heads of state, trying to negotiate effective climate policy solutions:
Alliance for Climate Education’s video “Our Climate, Our Future”- request to view on the ACE website:
Bard Center for Environmental Policy is hosting a series of webinars on climate solutions in states across the U.S. and internationally on Tuesday, April 7- tune in to your state’s “power dialog” or watch the recording afterward. **Note- the D.C. Webinar focused on food resilience, and minutes 30-40 are especially useful to those looking to start a school garden over the summer or in the future. Link to the full recording is here.
Food and Climate CHange
Assign students a home composting activity (set up their own compost or vermicompost operation) and share Worm Composting video: (18 min, comprehensive overview, motivation and instructions). Get in touch to request a follow-up Q&A session or Worm Composting 201: walking through the process of starting a small worm bin (virtually) side-by-side with students.
TED Ed worm composting (5 min):
Soil Carbon Skit: Watch and assign students to film their own take on acting out the carbon cycle!
Patagonia Provisions video “Unbroken Ground” (25 min):
Soil Solutions to Climate Problems (4 min):
Future of Food: Farming in the age of climate change (7 min):
Jean Martin Fortier, author of “The Market Gardener” explains how to run a diversified small farm without fossil fuel consuming machinery (beautiful footage; more on the how to farm side but good visuals of climate friendly practices in action; 33 min):
UC Berkeley’s Edible Education 101 video recordings of lectures available at; “The What, Why and How of Regenerative Agriculture” available at: (1 hour, 50 min)
Celebrating climate resilient food systems on Lopez Island, WA on July 4, 2017. Photo credit: Alana Siegner